The little ones need extra care for their tools of sight.They are particularly prone to different types of conjunctivitis and sties.Infants have tendency of getting eye infections.Since they don't understand when and how they are straining their vision,they frequently have muscular weakness which cause squints.Diagnosis and treatment of squints are greater now than even a decade before,so it does not become a lifetime problem.Cataract is no only of the old;little ones may get it from injuries.In such cases surgery is needed.Vitamin A deficiency (eat carrots) causes dimness of vision and nightblindness.The kid needs an eye test if he/she complains of headaches and not being able to see the blackboard.Wiping the eyes with cotton dipped in cooled boiled water is excellent for the health of eyes young and old!
Causes Parasites External parasites are notorious for causing alopecia in dogs. Ticks, lice, fleas and mites can all cause intense itching and scratching, which leads to hair loss. Mange (a skin disease) may also cause localised to generalised hair loss. Fungal infections Fungal infections of the skin (called ('Dermatophytosis') can cause partial to complete alopecia with scaling and redness. Some fungal infections are zoonotic, which means that they have the potential to cause skin lesions in people as well. Bacterial infections Bacterial skin infections can cause alopecia with redness, skin crusting and circular patterns of hair loss. Bacterial folliculitis is the most common cause of multi focal alopecia. Allergies Allergic pets have itchy skin, and in response they scratch or chew out their hair. Pets can be allergic to: 1. Foods- Grains (wheat, soy, corn, pork, meat, fish, milk, yeast. 2. Contact allergies- Walking through grass, chemically treated floors or ...