Chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) is not the same as chronic fatigue.While fatigue is a common symptom in many illness,CFS is a multi-symptom disorder.The most common characteristic being severe mental and physical exhaustion,which is 'unrelieved by rest' and may be worsened by even trivial exertion.CFS occurs more often,but not exclusively,in women,for unknown reasons.
CFS is not primarily a dietary disorder but as in other debilitating illnesses,people suffering from this disease fail to consume a nutritious diet,leading to further exacerbation of fatigue and exhaustion.
a) Avoid excessive sugar products,which may cause dramatic fluctuations in blood-glucose levels.High or low blood sugar levels may cause fatigue.Small meals at frequent intervals should be preferred.
b) Avoid excess and low salt intake.Excess salt could increase blood pressure and low salt)especially in summer months) could cause exhaustion.
c) A good intake of potassium must be maintained by taking citrus fruits.
d) Avoid foods low in essential nutrients and high in sugar and fat.Instead,eat nutritious foods,high-protein,complex carbohydrate foods such as vegetables,whole grains,beans,fish and poultry.Apples,oatmeal and oat bran are particularly beneficial.
e) Drink eight to ten glasses of water.
f) Nuts(almonds/walnuts) and fish provide essential fatty acids,which may provide good nutrients.
g) Two teaspoons of flaxseed oil a day,along with a magnesium supplement of 400 milligrams may help.
h) Sea greens,such as spirulina and blue-green algae ,contain many traces of minerals that are missing in the normal diet.
i) Anit-oxidants like selenium,glutathione,N-acetylcysteine,alpha-lipoic acid and CoQ10 have been reported to have some beneficial effects.
Strength and conditioning exercises are an important component of the overall activity program.Standard rehabilitative methods,such as resistance training and flexibility exercises,amy help improve stamina and function,increase strength anf flexibility,reduce pain and increase range of motion.
Activity should begin slowly with simple stretching and strengthening exercises.Functional exercises should include repeated hand stretches,sitting and standing,wall push-ups or picking up and grasping objects.Once this stage is mastered,resistance band exercises can be added to build strength anf flexibility.Patients should be careful to adhere to the principle of brief intervals of exercise,follwoed by adequate rest,to avoid post-exertional malaise.