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Showing posts from February, 2008

Control And Treat Acidity The Natural Way:

1) Have two glasses of water first thing in the morning 2) Consume a few tulsi leaves to reduce acidity 3) Amla and haritaki are known to give relief 4) Mint juice or mint capsule can be taken after meals.It also reduces gas formation 5) Cucumber,watermelon,papaya and banana are fruits that give relief from acidity 6) Cold milk,coconut water,almonds and raw garlic are good fighters against acidity and heartburn 7) Take a little jaggery every hour for relief 8) Half glass of buttermilk with 1 tbsp coriander juice is effective in case of stomach burns,acidity and indigestion 9) Don't go to sleep immediately after dinner.Try having the nighttime meal by 8 pm.The digestive system slows down after that. 10) Morning and evening walks are helpful and so is yoga,for relief from stress and anxiety.

How to apply lipstick and liner?

1) Apply all other make-up before putting on lipstick and lip liner. 2) Use a mirror where you can balance your elbow on a counter. 3) Make sure your hands are steady. 4) Begin by dabbing on a very small amount of lip balm or petroleum jelly to give your lips a little moisture. 5) Draw a thin line along the edge of your lips with a lip liner whose colour is one shade darker than your lipstick.Start at the center of the upper lip and work outwards.Hug the very outer edges to open up thin lips,and line well within the edges to open up thin lips,and line well within the edges to dolwplay excessively full lips. 6) Apply lipstick from the tube or by using a firm,small lipstick brush.Coat the lips evenly.Pay special attention to staying within the lips' edges. 7) Blot to remove any excess colour and to even out the texture. 8) Remember to touch lips up after a meal,as lipstick easily transfers onto coffee cups and water bottles.


Put on some music,light some candles and pamper yourself with these 6 simple steps...... 1) Fill a tub with warm water and put in some bath or sea salts.Add 1 tbsp olive oil and soak your feet for 20 minutes.This will soften up the calluses. 2) Use an exfoliating scrub on the soles and give them a once over with a pumice stone.Wash off with cold water. 3) Use a nail cutter to trim your nails.Push back your cuticles gently but don't cut them. 4) Use a moisturiser and massage your feet well after drying them.Massage in upward strokes,from your toes to your calves. 5) Apply a base coat and two coats of nail polish,followed by a top coat. 6) After your nails are nails are completely dry,dab on some olive oil to your cuticles and nail beds.

Diet Fundas:

1) Even if you rise late in the mornings,do drink a glass of luke warm water with a dash of lemon and honey. 2) You must have regular bowel movements in order to be healthy. 3) Late nights and erratic dinners are the best ways to mess up your digestive system.So go early to bed!

Love Signs:

1) Apple: A symbol of ecstasy,fertility and abundance as well as love 2)Rose: The perfect love symbol,it represents all things sensual,sacred,pure and romantic 3) Cupid: Cupid or Eros means desire in Greek 4) Harp: It is a symbol of love in the form of lyrical art,poetry and music 5) Heart: Likely the most common symbol for love and certainly the most recognisable 6) Maple leaf: North American settlers used to place them at the foot of their beds to ward off demons and encourage sexual pleasure as well as peaceful sleep 7) Shell: Because of its hard casing,the shell symbolises the protective quality love sometimes takes.

CFS(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome):Some Information

Chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) is not the same as chronic fatigue.While fatigue is a common symptom in many illness,CFS is a multi-symptom disorder.The most common characteristic being severe mental and physical exhaustion,which is 'unrelieved by rest' and may be worsened by even trivial exertion.CFS occurs more often,but not exclusively,in women,for unknown reasons. CFS is not primarily a dietary disorder but as in other debilitating illnesses,people suffering from this disease fail to consume a nutritious diet,leading to further exacerbation of fatigue and exhaustion. DIET AND LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS: a) Avoid excessive sugar products,which may cause dramatic fluctuations in blood-glucose levels.High or low blood sugar levels may cause fatigue.Small meals at frequent intervals should be preferred. b) Avoid excess and low salt intake.Excess salt could increase blood pressure and low salt)especially in summer months) could cause exhaustion. c) A good intake of potassium must...

Tricks with eggs!

1) A tablespoon of dry sherry does wonders for scrambled eggs and omelettes.Beat it into the eggs before you cook them. 2) A tablespoon of vinegar aded to water before poaching eggs helps to keep the whites from spreading. 3) You can make an egg poacher to keep egg whites from spreading by removing the top and bottom of a tuna can.Place the cut-out can in a skillet of simmering water and crack the eggs into it. 4) When you hard-boil eggs of stuffing,stir them gently for the first two minutes.This sets the whites.The yolks will be in the centre,leaving a strong wall of white around the yolk that won't break when the eggs are stuffed.

Kitchen Pointers:

1) Don't cut items,especially awkwardly shaped ones,while holding them in your hand. 2) Use good quality knives with a hand block.Keep them sharpened.They cut more efficiently with less force and don't stress your hand. 3) Use electric can and jar openers,carving knives and food processors to take the stress off your hands. 4) When possible,slide heavy pots and pans along the counter top,instead of lifting them. 5) Wipe up spills ASAP to prevent slips and falls.Go for anti-skid,anti-reflective flooring. 6) Have separate washing areas for veggies and utensils. 7) Have both ambient and task lighting.Even the cabinets should have lights inside that switch on when you open the door. 8) Have two ventilation systems-one for the entire room,one for the cooking system.

How to look cute with minimal make-up:

1) Sleep well and keep hydrated;it makes your skin look young and healthy.It also improves shadows and circles around eyes. 2) Wash your face and apply either a tinted moisturiser or the self tanner of your choice! 3) Try transparent mascara.It makes your eyes tand out,and gives you a more natural look than the black mascara.You could also try curling eyelashes to make your eyes look bigger and fresh.This is cute for women who don't want to wear mascara. 4) It you do want to add a little make-up,wear some pink blush to brighten your look,or some light lip balm to keep lips moisturised. 5) One thing to do if you can't keep away from make-up,is to use healthy options.Try a light lip gloss with SPF protection that protects your lips,or tinted.

Shelf Checklist....

1) Books are heavy,so it is essential that wall-mounted bookshelves are firmly secured to a sound,solid wall,with sturdy fittings. 2) Most shop-bought wall units come with fixings but if you make your own shelves,make sure you use the correct fixtures and screws for the supports and the type of wall. 3) Adjustable systems are more flexible than fixed shelves.The shelves are carried on brackets,that slope or clip into vertical support strips,screwed to the wall.Shelves can be moved up or down easily. 4) Choose a bookcase that has shelves of varying heights,to suit paperbacks,encyclopedias and at least one size in between.

Child's Eyes:

The little ones need extra care for their tools of sight.They are particularly prone to different types of conjunctivitis and sties.Infants have tendency of getting eye infections.Since they don't understand when and how they are straining their vision,they frequently have muscular weakness which cause squints.Diagnosis and treatment of squints are greater now than even a decade before,so it does not become a lifetime problem.Cataract is no only of the old;little ones may get it from injuries.In such cases surgery is needed.Vitamin A deficiency (eat carrots) causes dimness of vision and nightblindness.The kid needs an eye test if he/she complains of headaches and not being able to see the blackboard.Wiping the eyes with cotton dipped in cooled boiled water is excellent for the health of eyes young and old!

Get a perfect gift for your man:

1) Think about his age and social/financial status;obviously if he's well-off to afford whatever toys he wants,you're better off getting one really,really top-notch item,rather than several cheaper ones that he might consider inferior.Do not hesitate to ask what his wishes are. 2) Think about items that are related to his hobbies,although they don't have to be directly related.For example,if the man you're buying a gift for is a diver,you could get him a recently published guidebook to diving hotspots around the world or locally. 3) If he's an activist(political/environmental/social),consider a subscription to a newsletter or website run by an activist group where part of your gift will go to cuases he cares about,or try giving him a receipt for a donation in his name to a charity you know he supports. 4) If he's an egoist,try something with his name engraved on it(hardwood cigar case,leatherbound book,etc). 5) If he likes to party,buy him a VIP membership t...

Beautiful Eyes,Beautiful Face:

Be it due to the sun,fatigue,sleeplessness or age,when the eyes don't look good the face doesn't look good either. Some home tips: 1) Dark Circles: Honey,raw potato,almond paste,fresh fig,plenty of sleep. 2) Puffiness: Ice water,chilled camomile,green tea bags,cucumber puree. 3) Crow's feet : Sunscreen,Retina-A cream,injections or cosmetic surgery.


1) You are stuck in a job that is neither challenging nor enjoyable 2) You and your partner have nothing to say to each other 3) You find marriage is just limiting your grwoth and happiness 4) You say 'enough is enough' often enough 5) You sense bad vibes from your boss 6) You have people taking you for grante and not caring about hurting you 7) You are in a situation that hurts your dignity as an individual and as a human being 8) You clearly see a better opportunity

How to stop sudden nosebleed:

A nosebleed can sometimes look very scary but one needs to stay calm.Most nosebleeds look much worse than they really are. Almost all nosebleeds can be treated at home. 1) If you get a nosebleed,sit down and lean slightly forward.Keeping your head above your heart will make your nose bleed less.Lean forward,so that the blood drains out of your nose,instead of draining down the back of your throat.If you lean back,you may swallow the blood.This can cause nausea,vomiting and diarrhoea. 2) Use your thumb and index finger to squeeze together the soft portion of your nose.This area is located between the end of your nose and the hard,bony ridge that forms the bridge of your nose.Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops.Don't let go for at least five minutes.If it's still bleeding,hold it again for 10 minutes straight.You can also place a cold compress or an ice pack across the bridge of your nose.Once the bleeding stops,don't bend over or blow your nose.

Exercise For The Eyes:

1) Lift the eyes to the ceiling and then to the floor.Repeat.Look straight ahead,then to the left and then to the right.Repeat.Make a circle,first clockwise and then anticlockwise,with the eyes.Repeat. 2) Rub your hands together until they feel warm,close your eyes and cover them lightly with cupped palms.Without applying too much pressure on the closed eyelids,place your palms on your eyes so that your nose remains uncovered,and no light rays are able to enter the eyes.Take deep breaths slowly and evenly,and relax yourself,and after your eyes see nothing but blackness,remove your palms from your eyes.Repeat.

How to give baby gifts that will be remembered:

1) Don't try to outdo others with your gift.Just because you can afford to spend more than most people doesn't necessarily mean you should do so.An extravagant gift may indeed be remembered,but not necessarily in a good way. 2) Do not send personalized gifts unless you know the family well. 3) Don't give blankets.With the sleep recommendations these days, parents can't use blankets with infants. 4) Don't assemble any baby gifts unless you are absolutely positive that the new parents want what you've gotten them.Baby gifts that are put together aren't so easily returned.Only assemble a gift if you're buying something off the registry or when the recipients have specifically asked for what you're giving them.

D or Die:

Want to be as brawny as they come?Or would you rather have tough-as-nails teeth?Then it's time to get your dose of vitamin D.But it's not just strong bones and teeth that the all-important vitamin helps us with.To know more,read on.... 1) Prevents dental caries, develops teeth and bones and protects against rickets-softening of bones in kids. 2) It assists in the assimilation of calcium,phosphorous and other minerals in the digestive tract. 3) It ensures overall development of the child. 4) It stimulates the kidneys to return calcium to the blood stream so that it's not passed on in urine as waste. Sources: Sunlight,fish liver oil,fish,eggs,butter. Ideal daily intake: 0.1 mg(for men,women and kids) 20 tsp cod liver oil= 0.17 mg 20 tsp shark liver oil= 0.002 mg 1 egg= 0.001 mg 100 gm butter= .001 mg Remember,vitamin D requirement doubles after you cross 50 . Lack of vitamin D: Causes rickets in kids, osteomalacia in adults, tooth problems, retarded growth,weak musc...