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Accessorise a simple wardrobe:

1) Start with one of your basic outfits,preferably something you feel confident and attractive in.Jeans and a solid shirt is a great blank canvas.
2) Find some pieces of complementary jewellery.If you want to look trendy,go with something bold - try a chunky beaded necklace.Pick a pair of matching earrings and throw on some bangly bracelets.Jewellery is easy and makes any outfit look more thought-out and stylish.
3) Try a belt or a pair of interesting socks.These will be subtle,but when they peek out,it will pleasantly surprise people.
4) Do something nice with your hair.Put in a few matching clips,or wear a cute headband with a bun or ponytail.
5) Put on shoes and a jacket.Flats or boots are a comfortable way to add style to any outfit.A slightly cropped hoodie looks great over layered shirts,or under a hoodless jacket.If you want to look a little more classy,a blazer is perfect.
6) Remember that fashion is subjective,and not everyone will agree with what you wear.If you feel good,you'll look good,and people will admire you regardless of their personal opinions.
7) As you begin to feel more confident broadening your fashion horizon,try a skirt with cool patterned tights,or a tunic top over jeans or leggings.
8) Check out second hand stores or your grandmother's attic for fresh accessories.You might be able to find chic retro staples for a lot less!


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