Extra vitamin supplements can reduce the risk of having an underweight or undersized baby, and all pregnant women in developing countries should take them,researchers said.But the team, reporting in the New England Journal of Medicine,said the supplements did not lower the likelihood of premature birth or losing the foetus before birth.The study,conducted in Tanzania,involved 8468 pregnant women who received iron and folic acid supplements. Half were given supplements containing vitamins C,E and a mix of B vitamins.The foetal death rate stayed around 5% and the rate of premature delivery was nearly 17% regardless of whether the mothers got the vitamins.
Causes Parasites External parasites are notorious for causing alopecia in dogs. Ticks, lice, fleas and mites can all cause intense itching and scratching, which leads to hair loss. Mange (a skin disease) may also cause localised to generalised hair loss. Fungal infections Fungal infections of the skin (called ('Dermatophytosis') can cause partial to complete alopecia with scaling and redness. Some fungal infections are zoonotic, which means that they have the potential to cause skin lesions in people as well. Bacterial infections Bacterial skin infections can cause alopecia with redness, skin crusting and circular patterns of hair loss. Bacterial folliculitis is the most common cause of multi focal alopecia. Allergies Allergic pets have itchy skin, and in response they scratch or chew out their hair. Pets can be allergic to: 1. Foods- Grains (wheat, soy, corn, pork, meat, fish, milk, yeast. 2. Contact allergies- Walking through grass, chemically treated floors or ...