Teens who lose their virginity earlier than their peers are more likely to steal,destroy property,shoplift or sell drugs than their virgin counterparts, according to one of the first studies to look at what happens in the lives of teens in the years after they start having sex. The study,in February's "Journal of Youth and Adolescence," found that those who had sex early were 26% more likely to be in trouble than those who waited. The protective effect of late sexual debut appreared to last well into early adulthood. Those who had sex later had delinquency scores 20% lower than their "on-time" peers.
Causes Parasites External parasites are notorious for causing alopecia in dogs. Ticks, lice, fleas and mites can all cause intense itching and scratching, which leads to hair loss. Mange (a skin disease) may also cause localised to generalised hair loss. Fungal infections Fungal infections of the skin (called ('Dermatophytosis') can cause partial to complete alopecia with scaling and redness. Some fungal infections are zoonotic, which means that they have the potential to cause skin lesions in people as well. Bacterial infections Bacterial skin infections can cause alopecia with redness, skin crusting and circular patterns of hair loss. Bacterial folliculitis is the most common cause of multi focal alopecia. Allergies Allergic pets have itchy skin, and in response they scratch or chew out their hair. Pets can be allergic to: 1. Foods- Grains (wheat, soy, corn, pork, meat, fish, milk, yeast. 2. Contact allergies- Walking through grass, chemically treated floors or ...