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Showing posts from November, 2007

5 Steps To Lower Blood Pressure :

Every day, millions of people quietly battle a silennt killer. High blood pressure is an elevation in the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. It affects almost one out of every three individuals. High blood pressure is considered a major risk factor for heart attacks, heart failures and strokes. WHAT YOU CAN DO : There are several things you can do to lower your blood pressure. 1) Eat a healthful diet : Excessive sodium intake also has been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure. Limiting salt intake to 2,000 milligrams per day may help keep blood pressure low. A diet of 1,500 milligrams or less salt is especially effective at controlling blood pressure. Sodium is found in many foods, so keep an eye on the ingredients list to help rein in your sodium intake. In addition, avoid adding table salt to foods. 2) Avoid smoking and excessive drinking : The nicotine found in tobacco products constricts blood vessels, causing your hear to beat faster and raisi...

De-stressing made easy :

1) Fill the tub with water annd add some yummy smelling bubble bath or bath salts. 2) If your hair is looking down, then get some olive oil and mix it with one egg white and spread it over your hair, put your hair in a shower cap while you bathe and when you're done, rinse and shampoo. 3) Try not to watch the television if you need to get something done (like for work).If you do, you'll probably be even more stressed out because you didn't get done what was needed to get done.However, if you can, watch TV, pop a movie in and eat some chocolate icecream !

Fasting cuts heart attack risk :

Foodbuffs, it may appear to be a bit difficult option but fasting once a month pays-it can help stave off a heart attack. Experts in the US carried out a study and found that skipping meals for one day a month could reduce the risk of coronary artery disease by nearly 40%.According to the team, the break from food helps in "re-setting" the body's metabolism which enables it to work more efficiently as result. "People who fast seem to receive a heart-protective benefit and this appeared to also hold true in non-LDS (Latter Day Saints) people who fast as part of a health-conscious lifestyle," Benjamin Horne of the University of Utah said. Experts came to the conclusion after analysing a study of Mormons, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints which requires followers to fast once a month. Please do visit to read my other articles at: