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Showing posts from May, 2007

High salt diet could also cause cancer:

Eating too much salt is known to cause high blood pressure ,heart attacks and stroke.Now US researchers say it can also give you an ulcer.Presenting the results of their study at the American Society of Microbiology conference,researchers said their findings show salt and Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) bacterium interact to cause ulcers,which affect the digestive track.Found in stomach and duodenum,the H pylori bacterium accounts for up to 90% of duodenal ulcers and up to 80% of gastric ulcers.Many people carry the bacterium without any symptoms .

Beauty:Shades make you look 'cool':

What is summer without the right pair of shades? But before you go all out to make that perfect style statement,it is definitely important that you opt for the right frame that suits your face as well.If you are one of those with a round face,then opt for thick frames in deep colours so that your face appears elongated.Those with an oval face with high cheek bones,must go for frames that are way broader than the broadest portion of your face.Narrow frames that have more width than depth best suits those with a square face.However,whatever frame you settle for,always opt for a good brand.

The Tips:How to be optimistic:

You can only have one thought at a time: This is the key feeling optimistic,enjoying your life,and fulfilling your vision for a delightful life.You only can keep one thought in your head at a time.So,what should your one thought be?Dwell on what you want to accomplish.Do not dwell on what you do not want. Expect the best: What are you thinking about?Do you have a goal or an exciting vision for living your life?Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,"A man is what he thinks about all day long." Generally,as you begin your day or a project,your frame-of-mind proves extremely important. Strong ambition: Wishy-washy people do not go very far.They get swayed by whatever crosses their paths.In contrast,the people who move mountains,people who get things done,are people who feel a profound sense of mission.They dive into their projects with gusto.Every highly successful person is a maniac on a mission. Gumption to change how you think: The way you handle situations has served you to s...

HIV 'vaccines'offer only limited immunity:

The most promising of the many experimental HIV vaccines in development will offer only limited immunity against the deadly virus,US government scientists said recently ahead of world HIV Vaccine Awareness Day.Unlike classical vaccines,the first-generation HIV vaccines will not enable people to fight off the virus,but may protect their immune system from the worst ravages of the virus and dealy the onset of AIDS.And because patients are at their most infectious when viral levels are high,such vaccines might also reduce the spread of the sexually transmitted disease,making it a useful tool for public health authorities batting to contain the global HIV/AIDS pandemic."There is optimism that even a less-than-perfect vaccine could benefit both individual recipients and the at-risk community," said the authors in a commentary published in the "New England Journal of Medicine."It is still not clear when the first vaccines will be available .

High fibre may cut diabetes risk:

High levels of cereal fibre and magnesium are associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes melitus,according to reportin the Archives of Internal Medicine .The findings stem from an analysis performed by Matthias B Schulze and colleagues from the German Institute of Human Nutrition PotsdamRehbruecke.Compared to the subjects with the lowest cereal fibre intake,those with the highest intake had a 28% reduction in diabetes risk.Fruit and vegetable fibre intake,by contrast,did not affect the risk.

UV ray exposure peaks in morning:

The human eye is exposed to the largest amount of harmful ultraviolet light on any one day at around 9 am,according to recent joint research by Johnson & Johnson KK and Kanazawa Medical University.The research team examined the amount of UV light to which a sensor in the eyes of a dummy was exposed for one day in each of September and November.According to the September results,the amount peaked at 0.05 volt at around 9 am,followed by 0.04 volt between 2 pm to 3 pm.The figures are higher than 0.025 volt between 11 am and 1 pm,the hours during which the Sun is usually considered the strongest.

Things you didn't know about yourself:

1. Your skin has four colours.All skin without colouring,would appear creamy white. 2. The world laughs with you.Just lie yawning,laughter is also a social cue for mimicry. 3. Past episodes are remembered faster and better while in a position similar to the pose you struck during the event. 4. Your stomach secretes acid that can even pickle steel,but mucous lining the stomach wall keeps this liquid safely. 5. If calcium is in short supply,hormones will cause your bones to break down,upping calcium levels in the body. 6. Much of a meal is food for thought.Your brain demands 20% of the body's oxygen and calories. 7. The average adolescent girl has 34,000 underdeveloped egg follicles,although only 350 or so mature during her life. 8. Puberty reshapes brain structure.Hormones like testosterone influence development of neurons in the teen brain. 9. Hair-like organelles called cilia in your nose help drain mucus from the naval cavity down to the throat. 10. Long ago,wisdom teet...

Estrogen helps fight heart disease:

Estrogen may give women an edge in resisting heart disease that can be caused in part by air pollution, a new West Virginia University study found.Researchers determined that males and post-menopuasal females are more likely to suffer damaged arteries linked to diesel exhaust than women of childbearing age.That coincides with a national study released this year showing older women are at significantly higher risk for heart problems caused by air pollution than other people.

The Tip:How to cope with emotional crisis:

Keep communication open and ongoing: Talking to someone about your problems promotes mental health.Expressing your frustrations serves as an outlet to your anger and helplessness. Get involved in a support group and accept help: When you are down and out,that's when you need others to lift up your spirits.With encouragement you will be in a better position to regain your lost confidence.

Hepatitis C:Causes and effect:

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver.Inflammation causes soreness and swelling.Drinking too much alcohol,abusing drugs and taking some medicines can cause hepatitis.Many viruses can cause hepatitis,too.There are 2 main kinds of hepatitis,acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis.When a person has hepatitis,the liver may become inflamed very suddenly.This is called acute hepatitis.If you have acute hepatitis,you might have nausea,vomiting,fever and body aches. How does Hepatitis affect the liver? The liver breaks down waste products in your blood.When the liver is inflamed,it doesn't do a good job of getting rid of waste products.One waste product called bilirubin,begins to build up in the blood and tissues when the liver isn't working right.The bilirubin makes the skin trun a yellow-orange colour(jaundice). What is Hepatitis C? Several viruses can infect the liver.There are 3 main types:hepatitis A,B and C. Hepatitis C is usually spread through contact with blood products,thr...

How to download music:

You need a good PC with a broadband connection. Go through the major Web sites to check which has your songs.Most will allow you to search their catalogue of songs without signing up. If you have a portable music player,ensure it is compatible with your download site. Listen to the music before you buy.Most sites offer short clips of songs,which you can stream to listen before you download. To register you will need to provide your credit card details-so ensure the site is well-known and reliable. Once you register,run a search for your song and pay per download.

Health benefits of green tea:

Rich in epigallocatechin gallate,a powerful antioxidant,green tea kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissues. Studies confirm that green tea catechins are effective against cancers of the breast,skin,oesophagus,stomach,colon,pancreas,lung,bladder and prostate. Green tea prevents tooth decay by killin bacteria that cause dental plaque. Green tea helps reduce high blood pressure. The polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea are effective in lowering blood sugar. Green tea boosts immunity because of its high concentrations of polyphenols and falvenoids. Green tea helps counter rehumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Green tea burns fat naturally and increases metabolism. It inhibits abnormal blood clotting,thus reduces the chances of heart attacks.

High calcium,Vit D doses hurt brain:

In one of the first studies to examine the relationship between diet and brain lesions,researchers observed that elderly people who reported higher calcium and vitamin D intake were much more likely to have greater volumes of brain lesions-regions of damage that increase risk of cognitive impairment."Our finding of a relationship between brain lesions and consumption of both calcium and vitamin D raises the question about a possible down side to high intakes of these nutrients,"Martha E Payne of Duke University,Durham,North Carolina,said.Higher intakes of calcium and vitamin D have been promoted in recent years as a way to prevent bone loss with ageing.

Ischemic benefit from stem cells:

A new collaborative research has shown that the stem cells in the brain decrease ischemic injury and restore brain function.The research carried out by researchers at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan,Italy, the Istituto Neurologico Besta,and the University of Laussanne has been published online in PloS ONE .Ischemia is an absolute or relative shortage of the blood supply to an organ.Relative shortage means the mismatch of blood supply (oxygen delivery) and blood request for adequate oxygenation of tissue.Stroke is the first cause of permanent invalidity and the third cause of death in industrialised countries.