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Showing posts from March, 2019

Three foods that can help improve your metabolism

Kuttu Rich in fibre and resistant starch, buckwheat/kuttu is a super food of sorts. Our body burns up to 30 per cent more calories digesting fibre than it does eating other nutrients because roughage takes a long time to break down. Eating food rich in resistant starch helps accelerate fat burning. Our body doesn't digest or absorb this super nutrient, so it does not contribute to body fat. How to consume: Make rotis, puris, dosa or pakoras from this versatile grain and it's flour. Kulith The body burns more energy processing dietary protein than it does carbohydrates or fats. The act of digesting protein therefore boosts your metabolism more than other nutrients. Horse gram or kulith being one of the richest vegetarian sources of proteins, improves your metabolism. How to consume: You can use it to make soup, veggie, curry, khichdi or pulao. Kavat Wood-apple or kavat ( Kotha in Gujarati , Kavath in Marathi) is one of the many incredible native and seasonal winter fru...

Mystery of Dow Hill in Darjeeling

Dow hill is situated in Kurseong which is very near to Darjeeling a reputed hill station of India. It is surely one of the top haunted place in India. This tiny township is famous for some of the best boarding schools in West Bengal. The center of supernatural activity was particularly observed in The Dow Hill Boarding School for Girls. As per some students version, the corridors of the school is haunted. The forest located nearby is also considered to be haunted. Some woodcutter who visited the forest have reported they have seen a headless boy who suddenly appears and then disappears in the forest . Local peoples version is that, there were innumerable murders took place in the forest area. 

Recipe Golden Fried Prawns

Ingredients: Jumbo prawns: 8 Vegetable oil: to deep fry Salt: to taste For the batter: Rice flour: 1 cup Desiccated coconut: 3tbsps Egg: 1 Coconut milk:1 cup Fish sauce: 1 tsp Salt: to taste Coriander leaves (chopped): 1 tbsp Method of preparation: 1. Peel and de-vain the prawns leaving the tails. Wash them and apply salt. Break the egg and separate the yolk from the white. 2. For the batter, mix the rice flour and desiccated coconut together, fish sauce and salt. 3. Whisk the egg white until stiff and fold into the batter. 4. Coat the prawns with this batter. Heat oil in a wok and deep fry the prawns in hatches of two to three till golden. Drain and remove on an absorbent paper. 5. Serve hot garnished with coriander with a dip sauce.

The Khmer cat

The Khamer cat and where do they come from? Their origin is Indo-Chinese but the breeder Jean Dudher deserves the credit for having introduced this astonishing breed to us. Less beautiful than the sacred cas of Burma, the Khmers, however, posses many of their characteristics. Of a remarkable intelligence, very gentle and calm, the Khmer is an ideal cat for an apartment dweller.  General Appearance: They give an impression of harmonious and intense strength. A lively look, a good bone structure and medium height makes this robust animal.  Head. Strong and round. Short thick nose. The whiskers will be white streaked with brown, reach 5 and half length and form a beautiful plume on the rather small cheeks. Eyes. Slightly slanting, of a lively, limpid and expressive blue. In dim light they seem tinted with red. Ears. Quite long, with tufts of fur in a shell-like shape. Body. Long with a jutting breast and solid rump and loins. The withers will be rather short....